How Long To Keep Makeup Before Throwing It Away

how long to keep makeup products

how long to keep makeup products

Makeup products are expensive. Knowing how long a makeup product is expected to last before throwing it out will help you keep on top of your products. Often young performers only use the products they purchase for performing. Products often last longer than the ingredients take to expire. Knowing when to hold on to an item can be as simple as a bad smell or separation of ingredients.  If all looks good this guideline can help you make your final decision when to move on and buy a replacement.

Time to toss:  Throw out old products that are starting to get old, smell funny or separate.  It’s not always easy to know when the time has come, so here is a time line of expiration dates on your favorite basic cosmetic must haves.

Foundation and Moisturizers:  Up to 2 years, but most last only about a year. Increase the last by dipping a Q-tip into the bottle instead of fingers that can easily introduce bacteria and cause spoiling. When product starts to separate, change consistency or smell funny, then it’s time to toss it.

Concealer/Cover up:  Up to 2-5 years, until product smells or separates.

Face Powder:  Loose powder can last up to 3 years or more if it doesn’t begin to smell bad.  Compact powder can harden and turn color from your skin oils getting onto the surface.  Bacteria can build up easily on these as well.  Refresh compact powder, reduce bacteria and increase the last, by scratching off the surface layer with a clean toothbrush. Replace compact puff regularly and wash compact sponges weekly to increase last.

Cheek Color: Like a compact powder, bacteria can build up and powder can harden.  Treat with the toothbrush technique and keep for 2-3 years.

Eye Shadows: Keep top layer clean and these should last up to 3-4 years.  Look for color changes, bad smells, and itchy eyes to point the way to the trash.

Eye liners and Lip liners:  These can last a long time if you keep them well sharpened.  For lip and eye pencils, look for moldy build up and a change in texture as a signal they’ve gone bad.  Liquid liners last about 1 year because of a higher risk of bacteria build up.  To keep fresh longer, use a separate clean brush to apply instead of the one that goes back into the container.

Mascara: 4 months after it has been opened, mascara begins to harbor bacteria build up that can cause infection and eye irritation.  Pumping mascara will push air into the chamber causing a faster dry out time.  Stir the wand in the chamber before applying.

Lipstick: After 2-3 years, color and texture change and bacteria starts to build up. Wipe lipsticks clean regularly to keep fresh.

Face Masks: (creamy): 6 months to 1 year.

Nail Polish:  2 years, give or take.

Fragrance: Not really a beauty tool but an important part of beauty.  Keep your fragrance out of sunlight in a dry cool place.  Most people keep their fragrance in the bathroom, which is the worst place of all. Fragrance should last from 3-6 years if cared for correctly.

How to care for your products, keep them fresh and help them last.

·   Store products in a cool dark place like the fridge (cold is a bacteria inhibitor) or a box.  Keep out of sunlight and warm humid places such as the bathroom.

·   Shake up liquids every once in a while.  If pigments separate and don’t shake back together, toss the product.

·   Avoid touching products with your fingers (bacteria).  Use sponges, brushes and Q-tips whenever you can.

·   Keep lids closed tightly.

·  Never share products.

Keep makeup brushes clean: These tools not only need to be washed once a week to  control bacteria and prevent breakouts but also to keep the makeup products you use them on clean for a longer last.  Click here for the best way to care for your make-up brushes.

Lastly be sure to throw out any makeup that doesn’t look good on you. Why hold onto colors that don’t help you look your best and that you risk applying when in a hurry? Keeping makeup clean, fresh and organized will make it easy and fast to look your very best.




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