From Dance Informa Magazine. Eye Lash Envy.

Growing, maintaining and curling lashes – plus mascara myths and the truth about false lashes!
By Christine Dion of Mode Dion.
Nothing is more of an eye-opener than having long, thick, curled lashes. Beautiful lashes are a sign of health and youth. Here’s a few tips to help you achieve lash beauty and longevity.
Open your eyes to good health.
Lashes are hair and for shiny, strong hair, whether
from the top of your head or the tips of your eye lids, both require good health and vitamins. Studies have shown Vitamin B, especially with Biotin, can help not only increase hair growth and strength but is also good for finger nails. The best way to get more Biotin is in your diet. Boost Biotin by eating foods rich in it, like cauliflower, salmon, bananas, carrots, egg yolks, sardines, legumes and mushrooms. To continue article CLICK LINK below.
Eyelash Envy – Growing, Maintaining and Curling Lashes – Dance Informa